About VFESA (WA)
Learn more about who we are
A brief history of the Volunteer Fire & Emergency Services Association (WA)
Volunteer Fire & Emergency Services Association (WA) , previously the Emergency Services Volunteers Association, was formed in 2003 with a view to create a better synergy between Fire and Emergency Services Volunteers and the Department of Fire and Emergency Services throughout Western Australia.
In addition to this, VFESA (WA) provides a voice for all Fire and Emergency Service Volunteers around the state, to raise awareness of the importance of the volunteer service to Western Australian citizens and various stakeholder groups.
VFESA (WA) is an association for volunteers, so we encourage any members to contact us with any concerns or issues they may have, or for general advice. We are more than happy to assist in ensuring that the concerns of volunteers in WA are addressed in a timely and appropriate manner.
VFESA (WA) is made up of Volunteers from around the state. These volunteers are elected by their peers and co-opted Volunteers who are Subject Matter Experts to represent Volunteer Fire & Emergency Services throughout Western Australia.