2023 Volunteer Leadership Program - Applications Open
The Australian Institute for Disaster Resilience (AIDR) has announced the Perth dates for the Volunteer Leadership Program – an immersive residential two-day program for emergency sector volunteers with the aspiration and aptitude to take on leadership positions within the emergency services.
The Volunteer Leadership Program provides an introduction to Volunteer Leadership and Management. It will be attended by emergency services and not-for-profit volunteers who are involved in emergency response and recovery.
DFES is viewing this course as an additional development opportunity for emerging leaders within the volunteer workforce. It is in addition to volunteer leadership training provided by the Academy. Attendance at the training will be recognised by the Academy but will not be accredited.
The Volunteer Leadership Program will be held in Perth from Friday 17 to Sunday 19 March 2023 inclusive.
The costs of the residency program are covered by AIDR with DFES covering costs associated with transport if approved before you submit your application.
We are encouraging nominations from emerging and new volunteer emergency services leaders. We are asking all leaders of brigades, groups and units to use this course to provide an additional development opportunity for new leaders within the volunteer workforce.
Applications will close with AIDR on Friday 17 February 2023.
If you have recently taken up your first volunteer leadership role or you have leadership aspirations, talk to your brigade, group or unit leader about applying.
For more information about the opportunity and the application process please visit the Volunteer Hub